Exterior Painting

At Prime Home , we understand that painting the exterior of your home or business is not an easy task and should be left to a professional painting company who specializes in exterior painting.

Preparation is the key to a long lasting exterior paint job and our experienced painters in Dallas take many steps to ensure a clean surface before applying any products. Our professional painters specialize in making your home or business exterior look brand new by using high quality benjamin Moore products.

Exterior Painting Process

  • Power wash the exterior of the home to remove all dirt, mildew and peeling paint.
  • Scrape and sand any necessary areas. Prime all bare wood.
  • Replace or repair any rotted exterior trim pieces like fascia, siding or wood trim.
  • Protect all windows, furniture, brick and landscaping with plastic and drop cloths.
  • Apply paints or stains by spraying or by brush.
  • Final walk through with the homeowner once the job is complete to ensure 100% satisfaction.
  • Clean up and haul all trash away.

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